My Presence is Not Like Yours

In defence of the Quiet Teacher I’ve written about being introverted before (I am not ideal) and about supporting introverted and shy pupils (Empowering the Quiet Ones.) It shouldn’t feel like such a niche topic to write about: according to introvert guru Susan Cain, 30 to 50% of people show introverted traits and would likelyContinueContinue reading “My Presence is Not Like Yours”

Finding My Voice

So, this happened… On Wednesday morning, I recorded a podcast with the wonderful Toria from Teaching Others and Learning All the Time. She has made it her mission to raise tiny voices from the Twitterverse, to help us be heard and to make our stories known. One of those stories is mine. My URL aloneContinueContinue reading “Finding My Voice”

Empowering the Quiet Ones

When ’empowerment’ emerged as a theme for the #DailyWritingChallenge, I thought long and hard about it. I feel as though I have been empowered by this blog, sharing pieces of myself with every entry I post and making connections with new people who have been affected by the things I have written. But this time,ContinueContinue reading “Empowering the Quiet Ones”

I am not ideal.

I am not ideal. Let me unpack that, because in its stark brevity it may be jarring, despite its truth. The terms ‘extrovert’ and ‘introvert’ to describe the two ends of the personality spectrum are relatively new, having been popularised almost 100 years ago by Carl Jung. But the predisposition towards one or the other,ContinueContinue reading “I am not ideal.”