Where I’ve been, and where I’m going

In my last blog, I alluded to upcoming “momentous change” that I couldn’t yet divulge. Well, here I am on the other side of that change, ready to spill at least some of the tea (though plenty will remain in my cup for now.) In February, I resigned from my role as a class teacher.ContinueContinue reading “Where I’ve been, and where I’m going”

It can’t always be the same

Wind’s in the east, there’s a mist coming in, Like something is brewing and about to begin… Mary Poppins, 1964 Photo by Alax Matias on Pexels.com On the ice, when I’m supposed to be perfecting backward chassés, is not the time to start reflecting. But I can’t help myself. I’m not as focused as IContinueContinue reading “It can’t always be the same”

I’m Autistic*

I’m going to preface this blog by saying that I am not diagnosed autistic. I haven’t (yet) had a medical professional tell me that it’s true, but like many adults, lots of them women, I have found myself staring at a label that makes everything make sense. Self-diagnosis is still valid. It helps people likeContinueContinue reading “I’m Autistic*”

Holding out for a hero – Representation at just the right time

I’ve been totally obsessed with Vigil for its whole duration. It’s no secret that I love a good police procedural drama, with my past viewing history including Inspector Morse, Lewis, Life on Mars, Ashes to Ashes, Sherlock, Death in Paradise and the first two series (so far) of Line of Duty. I was drawn intoContinueContinue reading “Holding out for a hero – Representation at just the right time”

When It’s Not “Just” Blue Monday

“Blue Monday” is the name given to the third Monday of the year, the day dubbed the most depressing on the entire calendar. In other words, it’s one of the few days of the year when it’s socially acceptable, cool, even, to use the word depression to describe how you’re feeling. For those of usContinueContinue reading “When It’s Not “Just” Blue Monday”

Finding My Voice

So, this happened… On Wednesday morning, I recorded a podcast with the wonderful Toria from Teaching Others and Learning All the Time. She has made it her mission to raise tiny voices from the Twitterverse, to help us be heard and to make our stories known. One of those stories is mine. My URL aloneContinueContinue reading “Finding My Voice”

There’s no such thing as a Zero Day

Like many things, the concept of the ‘zero day’ stresses me out. For those who haven’t come across the phrase, a zero day is one during which you get absolutely nothing done, as a result of feeling mentally rubbish. When I first came across the idea, I was in a rough patch. I clung toContinueContinue reading “There’s no such thing as a Zero Day”

Seeking Sunshine

Social Media in the Coronavirus Lockdown I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with social media. On the one hand, it can be hugely anxiety-provoking, because it feeds that part of our brains that can’t help but compare us viciously to those around us. For example: “Oh my goodness, look how lovely she looks on thatContinueContinue reading “Seeking Sunshine”